Collection: Rugs / Cushions

Discover an exquisite selection of rugs and cushions made by talented artisans, showcasing the know-how and quality from France and Europe.

In this category you will find rugs with varied patterns and cushions with unique designs, all specially designed to add comfort, warmth and style to your interior. Whether you want to create a modern, traditional or eclectic ambiance, our diverse range of rugs and cushions will meet all your decorating needs.

The “Made in France” and “Made in Europe” label that we favor demonstrates our commitment to authenticity, the quality of materials and the preservation of local know-how. Each rug and cushion is made with the greatest care, using high quality materials, to give you long-lasting pieces that will beautify your living space for many years.

From elegant patterns to vibrant colors and refined textures, our collection of rugs and cushions will appeal to the most demanding decoration enthusiasts.

Browse through our range and discover pieces that brilliantly combine aesthetics and functionality. Each rug and cushion comes with detailed descriptions to help you make an informed choice that perfectly matches your style and preferences.